Inclusive Education: A Challenge for Contemporary Teacher Education in Pakistan


  • Dr. Shazia Nasir Assistant Professor Greenwich University
  • Qehrman Latif Federal Urdu University of Arts sciences and technology Karachi


Inclusive Education, Teacher Education in Pakistan


The current study aimed to investigate the impact of teacher education on the implementation of inclusive education practices at the school level. The primary goals of this research were to assess the present state of teachers' education in equipping competent instructors for inclusive education and to determine the future direction of teachers' education for enhancing the capabilities of teachers in inclusive settings. Due to the exploratory character of the research, a qualitative technique was employed to collect data in order to achieve the research aims. The available literature in the topic was examined and a content analysis was conducted to achieve the research objectives. The findings indicate that despite the Higher Education Commission (HEC) recommending a course on inclusive education in the revised 2010 plan of studies for teachers' education, only a small number of universities have included the subject of inclusive education in their Bachelor of Education (BE.D) Program, with a credit value of 3. The study also indicated that the inclusive education course's material lacked adequate breadth to effectively prepare future teachers in addressing the needs of all pupils. Ensuring inclusive education in Pakistan is crucial for attaining high-quality education, as it is based on the principle that all students should have equal opportunities for education regardless of their skills or impairments. The challenges encountered in implementing inclusive education in Pakistan necessitate attention from the stakeholders. The importance of addressing challenges related to teachers' capacity building cannot be overstated, and this can be achieved through adequate sensitization of academia. Given that a few public sector universities are currently teaching this subject, it is advisable for HEC to take necessary steps to implement the curriculum for teacher education programs in universities and degree granting institutions. It is advisable for universities in the faculty of education to provide M.Phil. and PhD programs in inclusive education. These programs should include courses on many aspects of inclusive education, such as inclusive teacher education, inclusive classroom development, theories of inclusive schools, and models of inclusive education. Acquiring knowledge in these courses would improve teachers' ability to meet the requirements of special learners in inclusive environments.


